605.204.81 - Computer Organization

Computer Science
Fall 2024


This course examines how a computer operates at the machine level. Students will develop an understanding of the hardware/ software interface by studying the design and operation of computing system components. In addition, students will program at the assembly language level to understand internal system functionality. Finally, students will become familiar with the machine representations of programs and data, as well as the influence of the underlying hardware system on the design of systems software such as operating systems, compilers, assemblers, and linkers and loaders. Prerequisite(s): EN.605.202 - Data Structures is recommended. Course Note(s): Not for graduate credit. A course in computer organization is needed for admission to the Computer Science or Cybersecurity program. Students who lack this prerequisite can fulfill admission requirements by completing this course with a grade of B– or better.

Expanded Course Description

This course examines the question: "How does a computer work?". It provides the student with an understanding of the hardware/software interface by studying the design and operation of the basic components of computer systems and gives hands-on experience in programming the machine at the assembly language level to expose its internal functionality. In addition, the student will obtain an understanding of the machine representation of programs and data as well as the influence of the underlying hardware system on the design of systems software such as assemblers, linker/loaders, compilers and operating system services. NOTE: Not for Graduate credit.


Profile photo of Joseph Hrycko.

Joseph Hrycko


Course Structure

The course materials are divided into modules which can be accessed by clicking Modules on the course menu. The modules are enabled one per week. A module will have several sections including the overview, content, readings, discussions, and assignments. You are encouraged to preview all sections of the module before starting. Most modules run for a period of seven (7) days from Monday to Sunday @ 11:59 PM EST. Exceptions are noted in the Course Schedule.
You should regularly check the Calendar and MS Teams for information.

Course Topics

Course Goals

At the conclusion of this course, with practical experience garnered from judicious homework and programming assignments, students will be able describe the layers that exist when running a program, including assembly language, machine code, and then how the machine code is instantiated onto a working computational machine. in taking a program from a high level language, such as C/C++ or Java, and explaining each of these layers students come to realize that a computer can be described mechanistically, that a computer is just a machine. Also by understanding these layers and what is happening at each layer students will be better able to understand how poorly defined boundary interfaces and misunderstanding about what happens at each layer results in bugs and security problems being introduced into programs.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)


Textbooks are Online and free.  Students can access these textbooks as follows: 

Kann, Charles W., "Digital Circuit Projects: An Overview of Digital Circuits Through Implementing Integrated Circuits - Second Edition" (2014). Open Textbooks. 1.

Kann, Charles W., "Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: From Soup to Nuts: ARM Edition" (2021). Open Textbooks. 8.

Kann, Charles W., "Introduction To MIPS Assembly Language Programming" (2015). Open Textbooks. 2.

Other Materials & Online Resources

Each student will need access to an ARM based computer (e.g. Raspberry Pi).

Options for the class:

  1. The professor has a Mythic Beast ARM based class server. An account will be created for every student by default. I am in the process of setting up the shell accounts. Credentials and access methods will be provided.  Realize that it is a shared server, and response time may not be the best.  No backups of the server will be taken so you will be responsible for backing up your own work.
  2. Another option is to obtain a personal account on an online ARM based server which can be purchased for about $20.00 for 3 months from https://www.mythic-beasts.com/.
  3. A Raspberry Pi and SD-Card can be purchased.  If you already own a Raspberry Pi, please make sure that it can be used for our class. Do not purchase a Raspberry Pi Pico - it will not work for this class.  Your Raspberry Pi should use Raspberry Pi OS (32 bit).

Required Software

Students will need to download the free software Logisim.  This software will run on both the Macs (with some modifications) and Windows.

Student Coursework Requirements

This course will consist of the following basic student requirements:

Discussions (10% of Final Grade Calculation)

In this course, discussions play a role in your learning and engagement. To ensure your success in this component, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Timeliness: For each module consisting of a discussion topic, post your initial response to the discussion question by due date/time specified. This timeliness contributes to part of your grade for module discussions.
  2. Interaction and Critical Thinking: Part of your grade for module discussions is based on your interaction with classmates. This involves responding thoughtfully to the postings of classmates, demonstrating critical thinking skills. Merely posting your own response to the discussion question is insufficient; the aim is to engage and interact with your peers. When responding, provide detailed explanations and consider both agreement and disagreement. It is important to maintain a civil and constructive tone in all postings.
By actively participating in discussions and following these guidelines, you can make the most of this valuable learning opportunity and contribute meaningfully to the course.

Quizzes (20% of Final Grade Calculation)

Quizzes will be given periodically to ensure understanding and application of the material. They will include T/F, short answer, multiple choice, and multiple select questions. 

Assignments (35% of Final Grade Calculation)

Assignments in this course will encompass a combination of problems, writing code/programs and use of software tools. 

Assignments are due according to the dates posted in your Canvas course site. You may check these due dates in the
Course Calendar or the Assignments in the corresponding modules.

All assignments/code are to be the original work of the student. Use of AI to generate your work is an Academic Ethics
violation. Assignments/code will be screened using tools that identify AI generated material.

Code should be well structured and documented. A student MUST submit original source code and screenshots of your
code executing successfully. Adequate test cases should be demonstrated within the screenshots to clearly show your
code is working properly. Test cases should include, but are not limited to: input values, possible error conditions, range
tests, logical tests, ...

Course Team Project (15% of Final Grade Calculation)

The Course Team Project is an exercise in assembly coding and team collaboration.  You will be randomly assigned to a team.  Team sizes will be approximately 3-4 students.  Each team will have a private team channel created within MS Teams.  This channel will be used to collaborate and work through design and construction of your program.  Each team channel will be monitored for collaboration activity.  All students are expected to participate and contribute to their respective team.  

Final Exam (20% of Final Grade Calculation)

The final exam will be available at the last Module. You may start the exam anytime during that week, but it must be completed before the due date/time. Exam will consist of a variety of questions covering course material and an ARM Assembly program.  

NOTE: The exam must be completed in one sitting and within a set time.

Grading Policy


Unless noted otherwise, in order to receive full credit for a question on an assignment/quiz/exam, a student MUST show all of
the associated work leading up to and including the answer. Showing your work allows me to follow your thought
process and provides opportunities for partial credit.

We generally do not directly grade spelling and grammar. However, egregious violations of the rules of the English
language will be noted without comment. Consistently poor performance in either spelling or grammar is taken as an
indication of poor written communication ability that may detract from your grade.

EP uses a +/- grading system (see “Grading System”, Graduate Programs catalog, p. 10).

Score RangeLetter Grade
100-98= A+
97-94= A
93-90= A−
89-87= B+
86-83= B
82-80= B−
79-77= C+
76-73= C
72-70= C−
69-67= D+
66-63= D
<63= F


Course Policies

All assignments are due by 11:59 PM EST on the due date. 

All late work will incur a 5% deduction for each day late. Late work is defined as any work submitted after the
prescribed due date and time (all times are given in Eastern Standard Time).

As a program for working professionals I will be as flexible as possible while trying to maintain fairness to all students. I also request that you do your best to give me as much advanced notice as possible whether you’re taking a vacation, traveling for work, etc. so we can work out an extension, release assignments early so you can take them with you, or some other useful accommodation can be provided. Extensions will not be granted on the due date or after the due date passes so, again, please do your best to foresee any extensions. All extensions are subject to instructor approval.

Academic Policies

Deadlines for Adding, Dropping and Withdrawing from Courses

Students may add a course up to one week after the start of the term for that particular course. Students may drop courses according to the drop deadlines outlined in the EP academic calendar (https://ep.jhu.edu/student-services/academic-calendar/). Between the 6th week of the class and prior to the final withdrawal deadline, a student may withdraw from a course with a W on their academic record. A record of the course will remain on the academic record with a W appearing in the grade column to indicate that the student registered and withdrew from the course.

Academic Misconduct Policy

All students are required to read, know, and comply with the Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (KSAS) / Whiting School of Engineering (WSE) Procedures for Handling Allegations of Misconduct by Full-Time and Part-Time Graduate Students.

This policy prohibits academic misconduct, including but not limited to the following: cheating or facilitating cheating; plagiarism; reuse of assignments; unauthorized collaboration; alteration of graded assignments; and unfair competition. Course materials (old assignments, texts, or examinations, etc.) should not be shared unless authorized by the course instructor. Any questions related to this policy should be directed to EP’s academic integrity officer at ep-academic-integrity@jhu.edu.

Students with Disabilities - Accommodations and Accessibility

Johns Hopkins University values diversity and inclusion. We are committed to providing welcoming, equitable, and accessible educational experiences for all students. Students with disabilities (including those with psychological conditions, medical conditions and temporary disabilities) can request accommodations for this course by providing an Accommodation Letter issued by Student Disability Services (SDS). Please request accommodations for this course as early as possible to provide time for effective communication and arrangements.

For further information or to start the process of requesting accommodations, please contact Student Disability Services at Engineering for Professionals, ep-disability-svcs@jhu.edu.

Student Conduct Code

The fundamental purpose of the JHU regulation of student conduct is to promote and to protect the health, safety, welfare, property, and rights of all members of the University community as well as to promote the orderly operation of the University and to safeguard its property and facilities. As members of the University community, students accept certain responsibilities which support the educational mission and create an environment in which all students are afforded the same opportunity to succeed academically. 

For a full description of the code please visit the following website: https://studentaffairs.jhu.edu/policies-guidelines/student-code/

Classroom Climate

JHU is committed to creating a classroom environment that values the diversity of experiences and perspectives that all students bring. Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Fostering an inclusive climate is important. Research and experience show that students who interact with peers who are different from themselves learn new things and experience tangible educational outcomes. At no time in this learning process should someone be singled out or treated unequally on the basis of any seen or unseen part of their identity. 
If you have concerns in this course about harassment, discrimination, or any unequal treatment, or if you seek accommodations or resources, please reach out to the course instructor directly. Reporting will never impact your course grade. You may also share concerns with your program chair, the Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, or the Office of Institutional Equity. In handling reports, people will protect your privacy as much as possible, but faculty and staff are required to officially report information for some cases (e.g. sexual harassment).

Course Auditing

When a student enrolls in an EP course with “audit” status, the student must reach an understanding with the instructor as to what is required to earn the “audit.” If the student does not meet those expectations, the instructor must notify the EP Registration Team [EP-Registration@exchange.johnshopkins.edu] in order for the student to be retroactively dropped or withdrawn from the course (depending on when the "audit" was requested and in accordance with EP registration deadlines). All lecture content will remain accessible to auditing students, but access to all other course material is left to the discretion of the instructor.